The NSCA Delegates have approved 8 rule changes that are now in effect. Three of the changes affect sub-gauge classification, three affect competition, one is regarding state championships, and one classification reviews.
ISCA NOTE: This is the material of the NSCA. Please visit the NSCA website for updated material and current rules.
The NSCA Delegates have approved eight rule changes. Below is a recap of the changes that are now in effect.
Rule additions/changes are in red.
Sub-Gauge Classification
#1. Addition to Rule V-A-2-e: e. Carry-over punches 1) For 12-gauge classification: All punches earned in a shooter’s current class in the immediate preceding target year will carry over into the current shoot year. Punches from two or more years ago will not carry over. 2) For sub-gauge classification: All punches earned in a shooter’s current class in the immediate preceding two target years will carry over into the current shoot year. Punches from three or more years ago will not carry over.
#2. Addition to Rule V-A-2-a: 3) For sub-gauge classification: On the date that the current year’s NSCA All-American Team (based on the prior shoot year’s points race) is announced, all Open First, Second, and Third team members who have not obtained Master class sub-gauge classification will be automatically up-classed into Master class based on known ability. If the shooter does not make the All-American Open First, Second, or Third team the following year, they may request a down-class review in writing to the NSCA Assistant Director.
#3. Addition to Rule V-A-3-d: A shooter may voluntarily declare into a class higher than assigned for either their 12 gauge or sub-gauge classification, or both; however, the shooter must stay in that higher class for the entire year, unless the shooter subsequently punches out of the self-declared class. This applies to all classes except for Master, which must be earned and not declared. The only exception is for shooters who have a current 12-gauge classification of Master Class; they may self declare to Master class for their sub-gauge classification. When the shooter so elects, they must (at a registered shoot) have their classification card marked before competing in the event in the class for which they are declaring. Their card shall be marked with the new classification by self-declaration in the class where they declared, and be entered on the Official Entry Form with notation self-declared.
Classification Reviews
#4. Addition to Rule V-4-a: A shooter’s 12-gauge classification may be reviewed after each 1,000 registered targets in current class. Shooters must request such a review in writing. The 1,000-target review may be used to move a shooter down in their 12-gauge class. A shooter who has been reviewed down in class and then moves back up in class based on earned punches will only be allowed one (1) 1,000-target review down-class per shoot year. This does not include annual end-of-year down-class reviews, medical impairment reviews, or new shooter target reviews. (i.e., an AA class shooter gets reviewed down to A class in March of the current year, moves back up to AA class in August of the current year, requests a 1,000-target review in September of the current year to be moved back down to A class. Their request will be denied.)
#5. Addition to Rule VII-E-3: Call for Target a. The target must be launched immediately or with a delay up to three (3) seconds. b. Shooter has 20 seconds to call for target after entering shooting stand and between shots. First shooter time starts at completion of viewing “show targets.” Warnings and penalties will be administered by Course Manager or Shoot Management. i. First violation = warning. ii. Second violation and each subsequent violation in the round = two (2) targets deducted from final score.
#6. Addition to Rule VII: Coaching During any World, National, U.S. Open or Regional Championship, once a shooter is in the shooting stand, the only communication allowed will be between the shooter and the Field Judge. Violations of this rule must be brought to the attention of Shoot Officials (i.e., Course Manager) to determine if and what disciplinary measures will be taken. Both the shooter and individual(s) communicating with the shooter may be subject to disciplinary action.
#7. Change to Rule VII-F-3: Shooters Viewing Targets The first person on every squad shall be allowed to view a good presentation of targets from within the shooting station. At least one pair will be shown, but limited to no more than two pairs. This person is the only person permitted to mount their unloaded gun and track the targets being viewed.
State Championships
#8. Changes/Additions to Rule VI-B-3: An annual shoot held within each state, the location and dates of which are decided by the following process: Interested clubs (within the state) who are in good standing with the NSCA and the State Association (if one exists) should contact the State Association (if one exists), or the National Delegate(s). In the selection of the club for a State Championship, the State Association (if one exists) may apply their own process for that selection. The process must be in the State Association’s By-Laws and those By-Laws must be approved by the NSCA. If a process does not exist, then Rule VI-B-3-a (below) must be followed. a. The State Association and/or National Delegate(s) should then take a vote of (1) State Association members (if one exists) or (2) at the direction of the National Delegate(s) the NSCA will solicit bids from the eligible clubs in the state, send the bid forms to the National Delegates to review, then send the bids out with a voting ballot and deadline to all NSCA members in good standing who reside within the state, collect and count all ballots, and notify the National Delegate(s) and bidding clubs of the results. b. If the second method is used and the vote results in a tie, the National Delegate(s) shall cast a vote for the club they think should be awarded the tournament. This vote should break the tie; however, if there is still a tie, the Regional Executive Council members will be contacted to review the bids. The Regional Executive Council members will then cast a tie-breaking vote for the club they feel should host the state tournament.
For any questions regarding the rule changes, members should contact Nichole Bowers, NSCA Assistant Director,, 210-688-3371 ext. 255.