April 23, 2022 9am-1pm
Aurora Sportsmen’s Club Shotgun Sports
The ASC shotgun team would like to introduce you to the games of Skeet, 5-stand or Pyramid Wobble and Trap-Saturday, April 23rd from 9-1 pm
ASC is offering members, guest and the public a chance to learn how to play Skeet, Trap and 5-stand starting at 9 am. This is a great opportunity to learn the games with other beginners or novice shooters to the games. We will teach you the rules, basic strategies, use of the target releases (manual or wireless), and teach you how to arm/disarm machines and other safety tips, so you can get your key to the skeet/trap houses (members only). This is a very casual class and the instruction and key is free. Each shooter will pay $5 per game to cover the cost of the clays. So plan on $15 to shoot the three games.
Come to the skeet/trap shelter at 8:45 am with: any gauge shotgun, safety glasses, hearing protection and at least 3 boxes of target load, lead or steel ammunition in shot sizes 7 1/2, 8, or 9.
We will meet at the skeet shelter and put you in groups of five!
We will also have brats, sausages, hot dogs, chips and drinks after the classes.
Please help us organize the classes by pre registering at: howtoplayshotgungames@aurorasc.org
