January 21, 2023 10-4pm
Aurora Sportsmen’s Club Shotgun Sports
Other food To be determined
Homemade Spanish Linguica Sausage sandwiches
Spanish Meat Paella
Spanish Seafood Paella
Water, Soft Drinks, Coffee, Hot tea and Hot Chocolate
Open to the Public
Get your gloves, scarves and thermal undies. Come join us for Trap, Double Trap, 5-Stand, Skeet, Pyramid Wobble Trap and Springing Teals at our

. Open to members, guests, and non-members. Heated warming areas and privy will be provided. Event open at 10:00 am, last game starts at 3:30 pm. Preregister by email (preferred but optional) to Food will be available from 11am until 1 pm.
The $25.00 per person fee includes four game tickets for trap, double trap, 5-stand, Wobble trap or skeet, plus food and beverage with additional rounds at member/non member rates (best bargain for non members). Junior rate is $20. Unused game tickets can be used at anytime based on the ASC honor system.
This is open to the public, so non members are welcome. If you're new to these games, let us know at registration and we will pair you with a club volunteer that will show you how to play the games. Participants must bring: shotgun, at least 100 target load lead or steel shells (no hunting or defense loads)