"March get out of the house event"
March 23, 2024 10-4 pm
Aurora Sportsmen’s Club Shotgun Sports
Trap, Double Trap, 5-Stand, Skeet, Pyramid Wobble Trap and Springing Teals
Open to the Public
Get your gloves, scarves and thermal undies. Come join us for Trap, Double Trap, 5-Stand, Skeet, Pyramid Wobble Trap and Springing Teals at our "March get out of the house event". Open to members, guests, and non-members.
Event open at 10:00 am, last game starts at 3:30 pm. Preregister by email (preferred but optional) to Food will be available from 11am until 1 pm.
Fee option’s-
Members will be using their card reader card for themselves and any guest they bring-No Wrist band for guest at this event only.
Non-members not accompanied by a member will be issued a card (one per individual/group) in the Shotgun Building. Non-Member pricing is $6 per game for this event only-minimum number of four games per individual or group. Must have a driver’s license and credit/debit card.
This is open to the public, so non-members are welcome. If you're new to these games, let us know at registration and we will pair you with a club volunteer that will show you how to play the games. Participants must bring: Credit/debit card for games, cash for tips, side games and food donation ($5), shotgun, at least 125 target load lead or steel shells (no hunting or defense loads) and eye and ear protection.
We have paid pullers but still looking for volunteers to help pull if needed: Send us a email if you can help by picking a time from the three slots listed.
10-12 pm
12-2 pm
2-4 pm
Also need volunteers for registration, serving, set up and breakdown 9-1pm
Come to the Shotgun Sports area with: any gauge shotgun, safety glasses, hearing protection and at least 4 boxes of target load lead or steel ammunition in shot sizes 7½, 8 or 9.
Directions: From Hwy 30 in Waterman, go south on Elm St. a little over 1 mile. Turn west on Rueff Rd. a little over ½ mile and turn north into the Shotgun Sports gate.